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I have been into contact sports for most of my life and have only recently discovered the delights of boxing. I am 33 years old physically fit and strong I am 6’5″ and weigh 280. I was informed that at the age of 34 years you can no longer box amatuer to any real level of competition. Is this true and if so why? Thanks RogerAfter the age of 34, USA Boxing ( the governing body for amateur boxing in the United States) allows competition only in what is called the Masters Division. There are significant restrictions placed on these boxers, as boxing is an intense sport that lends itself to younger participants. Additionally, the international governing body for amateur boxing has set 34 as the maximum age for international competition, inculding the Olympics, which is why Master boxers are not allowed to compete in tournaments that “advance” to the national or international level. ) botanical strong version Start drinking at least 12.5 glasses of water each day or 100 oz. of water daily. If you do not want to keep track of how many glasses of water you are drinking purchase a large water bottle that will hold at least 32 oz. of water. This will help ensure that you are keeping accurate count of your water intake and will increase your chances of actually drinking the right amount of water. Even though many diets recommend eight glasses of water each day this amount is considered normal for those that are of average weight. Those who are overweight should drink more water to boost their metabolism and increase weight loss results.
Also you don’t seem to be gettin much fat. i used to be fat phobic cos of the whole “eat fat then you get fat” rubbish that some people go on about. but it’s just that rubbish! eat more fish and have some nuts and seeds throughout the day. dont go mad on the nuts and seeds tho cos they are high in calories. have a palmful instead of a handful (sprinkle seeds on a salad?) a pretty small amount but does wonders for getting those EFAs. you could also supplement with fish oil or flax oil. my fat intake is now about a third of my daily calories. don’t be scared of it! botanical strong version Loose skin that is a result of rapid weight loss can be tightened by exercising to tone up and tighten the muscles. Strength training exercises are another good option after weight loss. You can seek advice regarding the various exercise routines and exercise types from a physical trainer and follow his/her guidance accordingly.
Soccer is what’s called an ‘anaerobic’ sport, meaning it requires a lot of fast, short bursts with slight recoveries of walking and jogging at moderate levels, in between the short bursts. Your speed endurance is the type of endurance you need: to be able to handle high speeds, with recoveries, repeatedly over the course of a game. botanical strong version Secondly, losing weight too quickly when you don’t have a significant amount of weight to lose can result in muscle loss as well as fat loss, which can decrease your metabolism and make it more difficult to maintain your weight loss. Finally, in order to lose 15 pounds in 30 days, at your height, weight and age, you would need to reach a 1750 calorie deficit every day. Here is the math:
