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People who exercise have different requirements to sedentary people because the greater expenditure of energy usually requires a greater intake of food. The more you exercise the more you have to eat to sustain that level of activity to the point where some elite athletes such as Tour de France cyclists need to eat huge quantities of food to sustain their activity. Simple enough, and this also applies to casual exercisers, but it may not apply to you if fat loss is one of the reasons you took up weight training..

Do a variety of different weight lift exercises that strengthen upper body parts, lower body parts and the whole body in general, such as squats,what helps to lose weight faster the strong version meizitang, dead lifts, bent over rows, chin ups, bench presses and the military presses. These exercises will help to turn the extra calories that you have been consuming into muscle and help you gain weight. Make sure that you are lifting correctly.

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