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Edit3: The mention about US research suffering was directed more towards the idea that we don have funding to do things the best way possible for solid studies. I know the data comes from the UK. but it published in an APA journal. Meanwhile, people are leaving the US to research in other countries willing to invest in research properly. (source: I am currently working outside the US because government grants are still being cut year after year)close this windowyou’ll need to or register to do thatcreate a new accountall it takes is a username and password. . lingzhi heat in the body Straksur smiled a fiendish smile and readied the next payload. Lots of planets still to clear of Xithorians, and it would be his pleasure to carry on the holy crusade that was started when Earth had been engulfed in the terror and misery brought by yours truly, descendants of Xit. A warpdrive needs some time to warm up, and gathering boxes strewn across the vast vacuum of space, from a freighter going at 1/4th of lightspeed . Enough of a time window for him to get out.
QUESTION: I plan to start fighting in amateur bouts and competitions soon but I have some concerns. I had surgery by my elbow after a skateboarding accident about 9 years ago. I broke off that little part of bone that sticks out in your inner elbow that they call the “funny bone”. lingzhi heat in the body Our only concern is how to mirror the growth of everyone with that of the “job creators”. That happens when incentive to invest is coupled with increased demand. It takes a reason for the wealthy to keep their capital within the economy, and punishing them for hoarding is the only way to do that. They don care that our workforce is in a shitty state they are sitting on wealth that would shame a pharaoh. They are not going to give that up, which is why outfits like Koch brothers fight tooth and nail to maintain and even further the incredibly low tax burden the wealthy enjoy. Without the minimal tax burden forced on them by government and/or absent the regulations they cry about does anyone other than a couple of radical libertarians and the extremely wealthy really believe that a magic unicorn will restore balance in the economy?close this windowyou’ll need to or register to do thatcreate a new accountall it takes is a username and password.
This is a happy moment for a lot of reasons. A lot of people have reason to be joyful. Lot of lives were lost in this process. Now the goal has been accomplished and their loss has more meaning. Those people helped bring about this end, and their relatives / friends should be happy. lingzhi heat in the body A darker point I wanted to ask (though judged not to in the title) is what is to stop a future group of reactionary or far right industrialists all of whom employ vast numbers of robots in their corporations who see a disparity in the resources the libertine humans consume versus produce. What is to stop a future group of fantastically powerful industrial fascists from liquidating parts of the human population it deems unnecessary?
