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If you go higher than this, say 15 to 20 repetitions to a set, or more, you are getting into the range where you would probably be better off doing cardio because the return on effort, the energy burn, is better spent jogging, cycling, stepping or rowing. At that number of repetitions you won build much muscle either, so very high repetition training with weights has minimum value in my view. ? zi xiu tang be I’m researching fad diets. I was wondering if the incorrect information fad diets send proses a problem with dietitians in any way. I have a couple of questions. 1 What would you say was the unhealthiest fad diet (Atkins, Southbeach, grapefruit.) and why? 2 Do most of these diets gain weight back right after usual food choices are maintained? 3 What is your opinion regarding fad diets for fast weight loss?
I am 40 lbs overweight, divorced and 55 yrs old. I am very attractive, excellent health and look no where near my age. I know how to eat the way I should. I love exercise and not too long ago, was an aerobic instructor. I hate diets, but I can’t get a grip on controlling my appetitie, portion control or the voices in my head telling me to eat something that I’m trying not to eat. When I loose weight, I love the feeling of success and being more healthy, but I sabbatage myself as soon as I start feeling positive about my efforts. Lately, things have been getting worse. My debt is bad, I lost my job and now have a horrible low paying one, and want the love a good man in my life. But I can deal with all of that and believe these things will get better. I just don’t know how to control my healthy appetite. My question: IS THERE A DIET PILL THAT I CAN ASK MY DOCTOR FOR, just to get started. If I had some help with appetite control, that’s all I need. Sometimes my frustrations with my living conditions gives me an “I don’t give a damn” and “who cares anyway”, attitude. And thats hard to get over sometimes. Please tell me that there IS a diet pill that doctor’s will prescribe. Thank You for reading this. P. Davis. zi xiu tang be You understand that although you may believe your Submission to be unique and novel, there may be pre existing ideas, concepts, or proposals that are similar to your Submission. By submitting your Submission, you recognize that other persons, including Sponsor’s own employees, may have submitted to Sponsor or others, or made public, or may in the future originate and submit or make public, similar or identical ideas, concepts, or proposals that Sponsor may have the right to use, and you understand that you will not be entitled to any compensation because of Sponsors’ use of such similar or identical ideas, concepts, or proposals in any manner. You understand and agree that Sponsors’ use of material containing features or elements similar or identical to those contained in your Submission will not obligate Sponsor to negotiate with you or entitle you to any compensation if Sponsor determines that it has an independent legal right to use that other material for any reason (for example, because the features or elements are not new or novel, were not originated by you, or were or may hereafter be independently created and submitted by other persons, including your employees).
But a few days ago he had some tarry poos and I was concerned, despite the perkiness, and took him to the “ferret vet”. She said it might be a stomach ulcer, but he had not been grinding his teeth as far as I have noticed (and I spoend a lot of time with him) and he is still doing it, despite the treatment. zi xiu tang be Cow’s milk and dairy products do contain calcium. However, there are other good sources of calcium such as tofu processed with calcium sulfate, green leafy vegetables including collard greens, mustard greens, and kale, and calcium fortified soy milk and orange juice.Iron requirements of teenagers are relatively high. By eating a varied diet, a vegetarian can meet his or her iron needs, while avoiding the excess fat and cholesterol found in red meats such as beef or pork.
