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All told, White was stuck in that little metal box for 41 fucking hours, on the unlucky 13th floor, no less, with nothing but three matches, his wallet, and some cigarettes. No food, no water, no bathroom, and no indication that anyone was making any effort whatsoever to get him out. All he could do was pace around in dead silence (he kept the alarm going for as long as possible, but the constant ringing caused him to have auditory hallucinations). This is where you have to wonder if maybe your employers don’t care about you quite as much as they say they do. ) lida weight loss pills strong version What you see in the above picture is two jars of synthetic marijuana I purchased at a liquor store that I still don’t know the name of (also pictured: half a blurry banana I didn’t crop out because this is a comedy site). They are 1 gram each. Total cost? $40. That’s $20 for less than a dimebag, people. When you’re talking 100 percent markup, eventually crack just starts to make more sense from an economic standpoint.
I used to run a pizza hut, straight outta PCA, and I made sure everyone who worked there enjoyed it and got paid as well as a pizza hovel can pay. We strafed each other with fire extinguishers, constructed elaborate pizzas for ourselves, drank beer as we cleaned up, and thanked each other daily for the miracle of a happy workplace. Our bathrooms were spotless and the kitchen started each day that way even if we had to stay late to wash dishes, and our customers benefited from having cute happy waitresses taking their orders and from a kitchen that could have a pie in the oven thirty seconds after you ordered it( a ten inch, sauce coming up. cheese! Hit me! and 26 pepperonis, one, two, three, and slam it in the oven. We ate the other pizza place lunch and drank their milkshake over and over despite their location and larger dining room. The Health Inspector came in for lunch over and over; what more do you need? And we discounted for cops so we always had one, and no one ever tried to hold us up. lida weight loss pills strong version When Thompson and Sullivan analyzed the contestants from the first four seasons of The Biggest Loser, they spotted a surprising trend: Almost all the competitors saw dramatic weight loss results during the first weigh in, on day seven, but the following week they lost, on average, just 2 percent of their body weight. “As a species, humans have evolved to respond to novelty,” says Thompson. “Once we’ve become accustomed to something, we may grow immune to its effects.” Your body and mind will respond most positively if you keep exposing them to original situations: say, a new machine at the gym to challenge your muscles, or an unusual date night outing (trapeze lessons, perhaps?) to keep your relationship fresh.
Jenny McCarthy got famous for showing her tits and making farting sounds, which is how I wanted to get famous. But I failed miserably, so maybe this entry is tainted with jealousy. Once that shtick ran its course and she became a parent, McCarthy apparently got into the bottle of pills marked “bwaagah laahagah wha!” and downed every last one with a glass of Scotch to hop on a one way train to Crazy Town, Vaccination Station. lida weight loss pills strong version We suppose it’s just not as exciting to portray motorcycle clubs as they really are composed almost entirely of regular guys who like motorcycles and want to hang out with other guys who like motorcycles. But that’s all it is; they have rallies where people show off their bikes and . well, that’s about it. That and the charity.
