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Make a list of everything you can think of that stands between you and your goal. This would include things that you feel will make it more difficult to get to where you want to be. Re write the list starting with the smallest obstacle, to the obstacle that you think is the most difficult. Attack your smallest obstacle, and progress through each one, conquering the obstacles, or changing your situation for success. ! redotex recycling On Monday (the 21st) we followed day 1 of the plan. Well sort of. I couldn remember how to turn the backlight on my Garmin Forerunner 410 if anyone knows, please let me know! It was impossible to see the screen to time our intervals and the street lights were not where I needed them when I needed them.
4. The Results Were Skewed and Took Way More Exercise Than They ShowedEvery week on the show, you watched us exercising and working out. That’s part of the process, of course making people healthier. But they don’t show the additional mandatory six hours or so of us furiously flailing the pounds away. They much preferred filming us right at the end of a workout, when we looked like lazy quitters for stopping so early. Even the giant scale they had us all weigh in on was fake. redotex recycling The extent to which the scientific culture is stuck on these untruths has never been more noticeable than today: Hardened dogmas and their limitations has put science in a situation where age old problems are not getting solved by the current scientific paradigm. For example, major scientific problems not really getting solved such as those related to medicine; incurable diseases like cancer, heart disease and ageing illnesses.
6. Game Day = No Cook DayOk, let’s get done to the real reason I LOVE NFL season! I don’t have to cook on Sunday or Monday! Woo Hoo! My husband prefers to eat pizza and junk food while he watches the game and who am I to fight his perfect decision making skills. Can you say DAY OFF!? redotex recycling That is the Eisriesenwelt ice cave, located in the Austrian Alps. It’s even bigger than those pictures would indicate it’s over 24 miles long, and the entire first mile is covered with small glaciers. During the summer, the snow on the Alps melts and drips down into the lower realms of the cave.
