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I work in food service and being on my feet and moving around a lot, coupled with preparing food all day makes me lose my appetite. I don’t appreciate a good meal usually, and I’ve been looking for ways to enjoy food again.When I was in high school I used to smoke marijuana with some friends and that would often have me coming home and preparing a three course meal in the middle of the night, but smoking marijuana is not something I want to continue doing I’m a responsible adult now!I’ve done a bunch of research on it and everything says to eat like six to eight small meals a day, or start exercising, which are all pretty large commitments for me, I think. = botanical green diet pill real or fake Hi, I have been eating raw paleodiet food on and off for a while now, (like 3 years). For the past month, I am eating only raw food (half a pound of bison liver a day, sometime quarter pound of muscle meat bison,raw bone marrow almost everyday, about half to one pound of halibut a week, around 12 eggs a day, 1.5 liters of raw milk, 2 to 3 fruit a day, few tablespoon of coconut oil press below 100 farenheit and sometime vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes ect.)Althought I am eating enough fat (over 200 gram a day) and vitamins and minerals, I have developp dry skin on the side of my fingers, Knuckles, face and have dandruff.I am aware that the body will detox of old skin and other stuff when given the chance! Can you tell me what you think with some suggestions please.
This morning I let them out and I heard Max barking. The ONLY time Max barks is when the tiny dog next door comes out. They both bark at each other for 15 30 seconds and then its over. After he continued to bark I knew it had to be something else so I went out and discovered he was barking from our wooded area. We have a 1.5 acre fenced in backyard and 1/4 of it is wooded. I called him several times and he didn’t come which he has never done! He ALWAYS comes! He kept barking so now I’m thinking that he is caught on something or hurt. When I go back there he is pacing and barking over an animal that is groaning (don’t know what it was becasue I won’t look). He still wouldn’t come to me! Lexi came when called and was very excited. She wanted to go back to Max but I held her. botanical green diet pill real or fake The weight loss was dramatic. I went from eating a massive 3,000 calories a day to 500 and in the first 5 months I lost 5 stone. But nothing can prepare you for the reality of a gastric bypass; because your stomach is so small you can only eat tiny amounts of food. If I ate, for example, a slice of toast and a spoon of yogurt, I feel as if I eaten a massive Christmas dinner. To say that it took some getting used to would be something of an understatement. I had so many ups and downs in that first year, nothing could have prepared me for it, but I had to sort out my issues with food once and for all. It was a difficult process but in 14 months I lost 14 stone. and I was beginning to love my new shape.
“POSITIVE FEEDBACK” and a “BONUS” would be greatly appreciated. Dr. H. botanical green diet pill real or fake You will have to wait until he is 2 years old to have him certified, they don’t do it before he is 2. Then there is Von Willebrunds disease, a blood disorder that GSD’s also carry that he needs to be tested for. He will also need his eyes CERF’d to pass for genetic eye problems.
