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Practice portion control. The American Heart Association suggests using your fist as your measuring tool. A serving is about the size of your fist, except for protein a serving of meat, fish or poultry is 3 to 4 ounces, about the size of a deck of cards or half a fist. A serving of cheese is a 1 inch cube or a quarter cup of feta. Feta cheese, low fat mozarella and reduced fat cheeses are lower in saturated fat than hard and creamy cheeses. , ventas de botanical slimming Some diets require you to cut certain foods. The South Beach Diet requires that you cut fruit, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice, as well as starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, carrots and beets out of your diet. Keep dairy to a minimum, and any dairy you eat should be low fat. Avoid high fat protein like liver or beef brisket. Lean proteins, vegetables and nuts make up the bulk of what you eat. Atkins is similar in that you avoid starch and fruit, but it allows you to eat fatty meats and cheeses. With the Four Hour Body Diet, you to cut fruit and starch, as well as dairy, although you are allowed to eat low fat plain yogurt. All three diet plans recommend you eat soon after waking up and consume meals and snacks frequently, rather than eating one big meal per day.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week, which breaks down to about 22 minutes each day. According to the CDC, you should be doing aerobic exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes at a time, so if you can muster just a few minutes more, you’ll be better off. If you’re not able to do it though, that five minutes of exercise is better than none. Exercise is part of the equation, but so is calorie reduction. People are more successful with dieting when they exercise and cut calories, instead of doing just one or the other. You need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume to lose a pound of fat. ventas de botanical slimming Take care..
Tip 1 Increase your calories. The first tip to break a plateau is by increasing your calorie consumption by 500 calories per day for 7 10 days. That doesn’t mean go off your diet. You just need to give your body a little nudge to get it going in the right direction. ventas de botanical slimming Examine your diet and try to determine if your diet needs a change. A well balanced diet plays a large role in controlling weight and losing weight in desired areas. A diet rich in vegetables that include a range of colors, and fruit and low fat protein will help your body change for the better. Department of Agriculture’s Food Pyramid website is a good place to start looking at nutrition and a balanced diet when you are considering diet changes. Consult with a doctor or a nutritionist before you start a weight loss plan to ensure that the plan is right for you.
