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This is going to be long since I plan on giving some backround info. I am a 37yr old female. Around the age of 34 I started gaining weight. I was always btwn 115 and 120 and had to eat like a hog for months to get to 120. The weight began to come on gradually at first I am assuming because my lifestyle was so busy, I did alot of walking. Worked full time nights and went to school full time during the day. Overall I was getting around 27hrs of sleep a week. Last year I finally graduated and spent the next few months doing nothing but sleeping and eating. Mostly icecream ( it was easy no cooking involved) My body was so tired. So I slept pretty much most of the days and night away after laying in bed all day while eating. Mostly icecream ( a gallon a week) ) This result is similar to that found by a small study published in 2012 that either gave older, inactive participants a pedometer step goal or a goal of minutes of activity. In that study, participants increased their walking by almost 50 minutes a week if they got the pedometer, and 28 minutes with just the time goal.
Watch what you eat. If you seeking to lose weight and tone up, be sensible about your diet. Aim for a well rounded menu of fruits, veggies, dairy, grains and proteins. Limit your carbohydrate intake and your alcohol consumption to a couple of drinks per week. Check out a book, like Kerry McCloskey Ultimate Sex Diet, for great recommendations on foods to eat and avoid. Before we begin, let’s talk about some of the risks involved if you decide that you would rather keep smoking. First off, you have your health to worry about. There are studies galore that document the adverse effects that smoking has on your health. Cancer, respiratory illnesses, and a host of other problems come from inhaling cigarette smoke day after day after day. Furthermore, your social life could suffer. Maybe your significant other does not like you to smoke around her, so you always have to go outside to light up. Your boss probably doesn’t want you smoking in his office, so once again, you have to leave. As a smoker, you’re even sent to the low quality seating areas in restaurants just so you can have a cigarette or two.
In late February, I was at 154 pounds (at 5’4″). I lost about 6 pounds in the first 4 weeks, but have only lost 1 2 additional pounds in the past 3 4 weeks. I really haven’t strayed at all with my calorie intake, in fact most days I ring in at 200 or 300 calories below my aim of 1200, mostly in an attempt to rev up the losses again. I can’t possibly have to eat less than 900 calories a day, right? That’d be almost impossible for me. I have been doing wieght trainning with a personal trainer one to two times a week. i try to weight train at least twice a week and it is a all over workout. For the past two weeks I have been doing a hour of cardio on the days I don’t weight train, hoping it would help the weight lose.
