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Hello, my name is Susana well all my life i’ve been quite skinny with some issues. but i guess i was fine with it well my biggest issue is my stomach or belly well. is kinda big. uh my measurement is 85. is bigger than my breasts and well i used to be 89 but i reduced it by doing abs. and sometimes i even look like i might be pregnant and i’m only 15! and i want to lose those extra centimeters fast so can you provide me a good work out or something that will make me lose those extra rolls i have? and a webpage where i can see how to do it or learn? well thanks for reading have a nice day!Dear Susana, Exercise alone will usually tone the muscles under the fat making your abs appear smaller. Get back to doing your ab exercises at least every other day, if you did it once, you can do it again. If you don’t carry a lot of body fat then the exercises alone should work. Crunches are the exercise of choice. I don’t know of any websites showing you pictures, but I’m sure if you do a Google search, you will come up with some. A good old book on exercise will show you how too. . red slimming capsules Imagine yourself walking down the street in some place that you love to visit. You’re in shape, and you feel great as you show yourself off. Even imagine yourself on the beach, where heads are turning left and right to scope out your rack of ripped abs as they glisten is the hot sun. You feel so sure of yourself, so confident, that it almost seems too good to be real. Just to make sure it’s not a dream, you pinch yourself, and realize that it’s all real, every bit of it.
The problem with a fast is that you need to come out of it slowly (a bowl of rice on the first day, a light salad on the second etc) and it only pays off if you intend to stay on course for a long while (one may “sin” again somewhere down the line, but a wild party straight after could give you a right kick in the teeth). Then again, young guys can get away with a lot of abuse to their system (up until the age of 28 when such liberties really start to cost you dearly). red slimming capsules Last week we brought a 5ish month old male unneutered Lab/shepherd mix puppy into our family. Murphy came to us through someone that knew someone that knew someone that was just going to put him out in the street. When we brought Murphy home he was underweight, extremely gassy, a bit nervous, and he was extremely possessive about his food(growl and bark if anyone comes near his food while he is eating), aggressive eater (Eating his food like its his last meal, which we believe came from previous owners feeding him sporadically or if at all).
Glad to hear that you just got a speed bag. I think you will find it very enjoyable. It is not as difficult as it looks or sounds. Basically you want to hit the bag repetitively to keep it going. This takes some practice and control of you power, swing motion and swinging speed. red slimming capsules When I jokingly asked my surgeon if I could have popcorn in the hospital after surgery, he laughed! He was the one who gave me the above info. I could not believe I spent 18 years avoiding popcorn and peanuts. I looked it up, he was right. It comes from eating too much, and too much processed food. We abuse our colon and it gets sick.
