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Here’s the part of my research where I Googled Holly Krewson. Opal Jo Jennings. Lynda McClelland. All people who had gone missing. All people whose desperate families had been told by Browne that they were abducted and taken somewhere else. All people who were actually murdered. What a shitty shitbag Sylvia Browne is for giving false hope to families. Imagine losing someone you care for, the pain and anguish of wondering if they are being hurt or if they’re dead. Then to be told by someone you trust that they’re alive. Then to have that rug pulled out from under you by reality. Fuck. Browne told one of those families that their loved one had been sold into slavery in Japan. In reality, she’d been killed only hours after disappearing. 0 www.super–slim.com “Choose foods with minimal fat, sugar or salt added. More emphasis should be made on these foods during meals and snacks,” Lee says. “As we get older, we may not be able to eat as much or as frequently as we used to so it is important to select foods with higher amounts of energy and nutrition.”
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Most of you know the Department of Homeland Security as that agency that was thrown together after 9/11 to take on terrorists. If you watch the news and hear about the DHS busting a drug smuggler, you might think the government has gone overboard, declaring every common criminal a terrorist and shipping them off to Guantanamo. But that’s not really the case. www.super–slim.com Even outside of electives, many of your required classes won’t have anything to do with your actual career. You’ll have to take multiple writing and psychology courses, even if you’re shooting for a degree in mathematics or coaching dodgeball. What does biology have to do with your aspirations to teach European literature? Absofuckinglutely nothing, besides the fact that . well, you just have to, because we said so. Please give us money now.
