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Stool that is pencil thin can be caused by a condition known in traditional Chinese medicine as spleen qi deficiency. Other symptoms of spleen qi deficiency are: easy bruising, mental fogginess, bloating, gas, loose stools, fatigue, poor appetite, loose stools with little odor, symptoms that worsen with stress, undigested food in the stools, and difficulty ending the bowel movement. Spleen qi deficiency can be brought on by stress and overwork.. ) zi diet pills The first meal of the day is key to your health goals if you’re trying to lose weight. In a study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, participants who got 22 to 55 percent of their total daily calories at breakfast gained an average of 1.7 pounds over the course of four years. However, those who ate 11 percent or less of their daily calories in the morning gained almost three pounds a year.
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