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I drink (on average) 1 litre and a half of mineral water a day, more than I used to. When possible, I try to get hold of alkaline mineral water from pure natural springs(in my case that would mean a preferred PH value of c.7.4 to 8.4) but this isn’t always possible, due to location etc. This sort of mineral water is most like the water from streams/rivers etc. ) 2 day diet 361 Also, one of them has been calling me anorexic since I’ve weighed in the 140’s. I’ve moved from patient factual explanations to avoiding them whenever possible. The sad thing is, they are all in their 50’s.
This one can be quite dangerous because most people who contract it have no symptoms whatsoever. You don even know you ever had it until you show up with complications decades later. Hepatitis C is considered to be the most virulent of the hepatitis viruses. 2 day diet 361 Dietary Supplements (Herbal Medicines and Natural Products) Topic OverviewWhat are dietary supplements?In the United States, dietary supplements are substances you eat or drink. They can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or other plants, amino acids (the individual building blocks of protein), or parts of these substances. They can be in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form.
Re raw eggs: Aajonus Vonderplanitz in his 2nd book states that eggs are a great source of energy but that they’re not so good for rebuilding cells re egg protein etc. I’d have to agree. I experimented a lot in the first few months of my rawpalaeo diet, and ate only (or mostly) raw, (organic,free range) duck/chicken/goose/pheasant eggs for weeks at a time, and I found that my health improvement slowed down considerably (though it didn’t drop). 2 day diet 361 Some people who are overweight make the mistake of thinking negatively when it comes to their weight. It’s important think positively when it comes to weight loss and think about how great you’ll feel about how you look when you lose the weight. Don’t make the mistake of getting depressed about how overweight you are because this may result in you consuming even more food.
