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Yes, yes, they are. And there are tragedies and successes. I only ask you one thing come back in four years, after the bar exam, or however long it takes, and tell me how it worked out for you. I challenge you to do that and give me an honest reply at the end. I know a lot more about it than you do at this point. # green coffee best share This is a good question. Not “what is music” but “what is music for you”. Since we really don have a universal definition od music and from what I believe it is a complex problem for people who do professionaly with this subject. So yeah, what is music to us. I think when I was young I used to different music from noise because there was melody. When I was a kid music was something with melody. And that persisted for years, I remember when I was in my early 20s and listening to prog rock mostly my friend played me some Merzbow. I just laught. Laught at the sound and at people who listen to this. Because this wasn music. (Incidently when I was a kid some other kids laughted at me when I was listening to the beginning of Time by Pink Floyd.) Anyway my point is that on some prime level I still identify music by melody present.
I know life can be hard and from the sounds of it your life sounds a lot harder than most, but your life matters. There is no one that is like you in this world and there is no one that will ever be like you and that is what makes you and this life so beautiful! You matter and can and have effected so many peoples lives without you evening knowing it. There will never be a person quite like you. I know at the moment your life seems unbearable but don quit on life this pain that you are feeling will only make you strong as you grow. What has helped me in life is to find something, anything that I love and to just do it to my very best ability without any hesitation or regrets. Never quit, never give up and never stop trying because if you never give up you can never fail. I think in life we are so obsessed with trying to please other people that we lose sight of who we are. We try to change our selves to please others when all we really need is our own fulfilment which comes from developing ourselves to become the very best we can be. You matter and have made impact and will continue to do so! Please talk to your duty head and share with them in private what you have said here today!close this windowyou’ll need to or register to do thatcreate a new accountall it takes is a username and password. green coffee best share And yes, as you mentioned, some of those services/infrastructure that Bitcoin needs/will get will include better wallet protection. It doesn seem that Armory got funding because they are aiming to be some profitable company. it seems that they got it because several people/companies view what they are working on as a necessary and valuable resource/investment, worth the cost.
I told the guy next time he could build the front wall of the dormer with the plate curved to the profile (in elevation) and then just frame straight across with the rafters on 16″ centers, or 12″ centers for a better curve. the curve of the eyebrow would form itself just like it does when you makes string art, and form curves from straight lines. green coffee best share Now, please keep in mind, I am all for making services available to help these prostitutes get off the streets and get them the health care and social services that everyone should be getting. But the men who buy sex from them are not forcing them to carry out this work.
