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Here something I posted on another similar thread re: Castor Pollux mythology. Maybe it will help clarify things for you. :)According to the mythology, the two male twins are Castor and Pollux, and the two female twins are Helen (of Troy) and Clytemnestra. # dali pill I have a GS, he is about 11 years old, I’ve had him for about 5 years. I found him running on the side of a highway with no tags. With no luck finding his owners after contacting every local shelter and running an ad in the paper I took him in as my own.
This ingnorant viewpoint enraged me, since the real tragedy would unfold whether this family was on TV or not and DIDN’T change their lifestyle. I say more power to them for having the courage to share their story. Not only are they making themselves vulnerable to scrutiny and criticism, but risking the ‘curse’ of reality TV. dali pill I thought we were talking about COMBAT. The mechanics, the movement, the fluidity, the animations. The UI is a whole different story.
I thought the same thing that you asked me Karky, so I asked the doctor “I’m taking 200g of protein per day, 160 g is natural 40g is from whey protein, isn’t the natural protein that I take from meat,eggs, fish etc. Also bad for me”. He said that the natural protein isn’t bad for me, because it’s digested the natural way, and the body takes the time it needs (a few hours) in order to process the food, unlike whey which needs to processed very quickly and puts loads on the liver.. dali pill Perhaps divide everyone into teams and do aggregate weight loss. And maybe have a prize each week for the team that loses the most total. As we seen on the biggest loser, rapid weight loss one week means the next week may not be as well.
