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The hungry? You have to be kidding. Everyone is hungry probably 3 or more times a day. And you want to feed the BUMS that are too lazy to take food stamps to the store and get their own food FREE. Every year, I see the same damn BS about the SO CALLED hungry. They are on TV and a lot are FAT to OBESE. Someone needs to tell these worthless BUMS to get rid of their cigarettes, their booze, their street drugs, and their cell phone, lose a 100 pounds then come back for a free meal that they are too F ing lazy to fix themselves. And no one needs cooking appliances to fix great food. Eat out of cans (I DO), fruits and vegetables are great raw, bread doesn’t need cooking, and on and on. ) Get the dietitians, kitchen supervisors, diet clerks, even nurses on your side. Contact food and nutrition services departments at other hospitals and see if they have had similar problems. The hospital I work at had so many complaints about the quality of our food we recently completely changed our menu.
Everyone copes with stress differently. Stress can be the result of fear of the future, from financial worries, peer pressures to perform, family relationship problems, death, anger, shock, and excessive worry about problem/s. In the 21st century stress has become an acute problem that hammers people from all angles on a daily basis. Bad news on the television and newspapers every morning which many people start off the day with, are the initial intake of stress. The second stress buildup comes from commuting and the pressures of being on time at the workplace. During your working day additional stress is piled on by certain factors in your workplace. The constant daily battering you take all ads up and by the end of the day, you can have pent up stress in the form of a migraine or intense headache with tightly wound muscles. Eventually stress overload starts to build up toxins in your body in your muscles and intestines, and this is where you begin suffering a downward spiral in your health. I’d tried to lift on my own before, but I kept having subtle errors in my lifting form, and kept getting joint pain I didn’t know how to deal with. if you’ve never done sports before, lifting can be surprisingly complicated and technical. I found it REALLY helped to have someone there watching me to correct my problems.
Calculate the minimum number of calories you need by multiplying your current or desired weight in pounds by 10 if you’re a woman, 11 if you’re a man. This number represents your basic calorie needs.2. Calculate the number of calories required for your activity level (see tips, below) by multiplying your basic calorie needs (the calculation from step 1) by your activity level 20 percent or 0.2, 30 percent or 0.3, 40 percent or 0.4, or 50 percent or 0.5. Make exercise a regular part of your plan. If you have not exercised in some time, plan on exercising only as much as you are able. If your fitness is lacking, working out for 30 minutes, three days a week with a rest day in between, is a good place to start. Include a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises. For example, an aerobic day might include a 30 minute walk, a bicycle ride, or a jog. An anaerobic day might include standing lunges, core workouts, or gym machines. Most important of all is to do what you love. If swimming is your thing, head to the pool. Gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts each week. Set goals for yourself to help motivate you. Keeping a record of your progress might also help with motivation. Lastly, don’t waste your time doing anything that will not motivate you to continue. This is especially true when you are attempting to lose weight fast.
