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Okay the prob with this movie is there was no chemistry between the two leads, the next thing I knew Ji Hun already likes Su Wan and that’s it, I swear I did not see that coming!Question here, guys, anyone know what’s the real name of Sae Hun? The younger brother of Kwon Sang Woo in the movie? Are you kidding me! He looks so cute! I like rewinding that little cute cameo! edited entry: After watching Kim Ha Neul in “Stained Glass” I think I already am beginning to like her. , authentic super slim pomegranate diet pills OK. for “A” I suggest keeping the elbow down a little when you hit. I normally advocate keeping the elbows up parallel when punching the speed bag, which makes it easier to pass the fists through the bag to other sides, but for YOU with an AC joint problem, I would NOT suggest keeping the elbow up for long periods of time. You could let it settle about half way up, or about 30degrees, not 45 degrees. You can raise i up when you want to pass through the bag, but when just punching from the front, let it hang down lower, causing less impingment stress on the AC joint.
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