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Please give my best and a big hug and kiss to Hunter for me. It’s so good to hear from you. Be sure to clean those ears after the mite treatment; there will be coffee grounds looking “mite poop” in the ears that will need to be flushed out. You can flush with mineral oil (which also smothers mites BTW) on a daily basis for a week or so and let him shake his head to help loosen the probably impacted byproducts of the mites, then follow with Q=tips dipped in either mineral oil OR baby oil (saturated), then scoop straight DOWN just inside the ear, slowly twirling the Qtip in a scooping motion and you will bring up a lot of coffee grounds looking stuff. Repeat in each ear until the Qtip comes out clean. Probably give him a break between ears because they don’t like the process very well, but they can hear better afterwards and they sure feel better. You can even do this after a few days of mineral oil “soakings” dripping it down into his ears until the ear canal is full (it smothers the mites). Just always remember that the Qtips are rough and abrasive an always need to be very very soaked with oil before going into the ear. You can’t really hurt a ferret’s inner ear as long as you don’t dig hard in there. The inner ear is L shaped, so when you go straight down, you don’t get to the inner workings, which are in the cross (bottom of the “L”) area. Ears should be cleaned about monthly with baby oil soaked Qtips to keep mites away and watch for coffee grounds, which means he needs to be treated again. # daidaihua gmp The infrared sauna allows bodies to warm and sweat without raising the temperature of the surrounding air as much as a traditional sauna, thus eliminating the need to sit in a super hot enclosure and breathe in hot air. The infrared sauna heats up more quickly, is often cheaper to install, and is also a lot more energy efficient than the traditional sauna.
5. I forget but their are certain grains that cannot be eaten raw and can cause you to get intoxicated. maybe wheat but I’m not sure. my memory is shady but it was about a study the USDA did on raw beans or probably consuming raw wheat. did you ever run across this study yourself,, is there a list of safe foods to eat raw to avoid these negative eventualities?All I can repeat, from the mountaintops and til the end of time is that the diet/weight loss industry makes MORE than $40 BILLION dollars per year (with Americans alone!) and yet, the average weight of individuals continue to grow; obesity is epidemic now and few REAL professionals see an end in sight as long as people are willing to spend time, money and their efforts on pills, plans, programs, powders and other so called “guarenteed to work” promotions. daidaihua gmp Day 3: I continued to drink the Raspberry Leaf tea with lunch and dinner as well as between meals. I prefer the iced tea over the hot tea because I live in a hot climate. It keeps me refreshed all day. I no longer had headaches from caffeine withdrawal, but felt moody.
First of all Thanks for your valuable contribution. You have helped me understand HR, Aerobic vs. Anaerobic, etc. Background Male, Age 58, Weight 181, MHR 180+. Hart Monitor Polar F11 Ownindex rating of 47 (BTW I have no idea how someone could workout with one). On April 4th of this year I weight 215 and have been dieting and exercising to get to my current level. I do an average of 50 minutes of hard cardio (Precor 3 days and Stair Climber 3 days) 6 days a week. Lately I ve been adding Salmon and Protein Drinks to my diet to add muscle weight. Here s the question: Are these Protein Drinks all that or am I just wasting my time. And if they are a good supplement, do you have a recommendation.The answer varies. If you’re not getting sufficient protein through your regular diet, protein drinks can be beneficial. If you get adequate protein from your current meals, than the drinks are unnecessary. Most people get sufficient protein from their normal diets. (If you’re a pure vegetarian, you may not though.) daidaihua gmp “Once he’s down they want to try and kill him because they know if he gets back on his feet and he starts moving forward, and he loses weight and he gets his life together, they are going to have one heck of a battle on their hands,” Doug Ford told a Toronto radio show.
