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I’m a 5’7 female in college and I weight a little over 200 pounds, probably about 205 (the last time I checked was summer and I weighed 195 but now my clothes barely fit). I’ve recently started dieting I eat mainly low calorie, low fat, low carb food, but I try to spice it up a little when I cook by adding a little salt or light butter to my veggies. If I don’t like the food, I won’t eat it. And I exercise about 30 minutes a day most days, which isn’t much (about a mile on the treadmill and minor weight lifting) but I also walk long distances from commuter parking to my classes and I take the stairs instead of the elevator. This is big change from my usual routine of no exercise and fast food 4 to 6 days out of the week, sometimes more than once a day. My caloric intake per day is about 1500. How many months do you think it will take me to lose about 40 50 pounds? I’m not trying to be “skinny” just healthy. I would say it should take about 7 months to lose 40 50 pounds (although everyone is different). I would also recommend to only weigh yourself once a week or every 2 weeks. Good luck and let me know if I can be of further help. # diet cofee Hi, I do billing for Chiropractors here in southern California. I have a doctor that is not participating with Medicare at all ( Medicare has no info on the doctor). We have patients that come in with Medicare primary and Motion Picture secondary. We have to bill Medicare first to get a denial, then submit the claims to Motion Picture along with the denial letter. We have tried numerous times and have not received a denial yet. We have tried calling Medicare who is Palmetto now and they say they have not received anything from us. Is there a generic letter we can get from Medicare saying we are not participating with them, and therefore we will deny every claim that come in from this doctor? This way we could use this letter with all the secondary insurances. Please help!!!I am not taking questions here from offices for billing but I will tell you to call Palmetto as you must use a modifier that is for a claim that you know will be denied because the physician is not a Medicare provider. On the other hand, since he is not a provider at all, I am not sure that they will even respond. May be easier to sign up for Medicare and be non participating.
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