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For the rest, brain foods make for a bit of a lob sided way of approaching healthy eating. Unless measurable mineral or vitamin deficiencies are causing neurological weaknesses, it is better to look at the whole processes that go into vitality and organic regeneration. Aenemia is a better measure. Blood building foods are not necessarily iron rich according to scientific standards. ? fruta planta original 100 I have noticed this on two occasions now, that when I spend time with my inlaws who use real butter not margerine my overall soreness as well as indigestion after a meal improves. On googling this I discovered that margerine, or at least sunflower oil, contains omega 6 acids that are inflammatory in sensitive individuals. I would think being celiac or gluten sensitive which I am would count. It also contains other man made compounds that are inflammatory. Plus I think it might just stick to your insides more try washing margerine off your hands after cooking compared to butter.
Eat more “good carbs” before you work out or shortly after. It is critical to muscle growth and development to eat “muscle fuel”. The first thing your muscle cells will feed on when involved in strenuous activities is called glycogen. A good way to keep those muscles growing is to eat some whole grain pasta after a workout, about 3 times a week I will ingest about 10 oz of cooked whole grain pasta tossed in some good olive oil with about a tablespoon of “REAL” aged Parmesan or Romano cheese within an hour of a work out. fruta planta original 100 I know this sounds like a lot, but it is very important. Like I said before GSDs are the worst for bad genetics and irresponsible breeding is the sole reason for it. I have seen the most beautiful GSDs have the worst genetics. Here is the link for the National club where you can get more info on all this.
Thanks.”It is possible to maintain body weight while improving your cholesterol profile. However, you might want to make sure you are trying to maintain muscle mass, not body fat, right?Calculate your body fat percent using a tape:On the other hand, even within the same body fat percentage, fat distribution alone can dramatically affect your metabolic picture: if you manage to decrease only one measurement: your waist circumference, your cholesterol and more importantly, good versus bad cholesterol numbers will improve (see suggested reading on the bottom). fruta planta original 100 I’ve got men to eat salads as long as they’re plenty mixed and fun and “rewarding”. Add plenty of colour and texture, to tempt eye and mouth: add nuts (pecan is a sure hit), seeds (freshly toasted sunflower, or try pumpkin seeds, which is very good for prostrate), grate a carrot, slice some cucumber. Add corn (organic jar), boiled potato with dill and smokey paprika powder, kidney beans for a nouveau Mexican feel. Chop up celery and apple with walnut in a mayonaise dressing (occasionally! Try to stick to a range of vinagrettes with olive oil,nut oils, mirin, balsamic vinegar, herb salt, cajun spice etc.). Hide an avocado in one salad, serve boiled egg on top of another; use radishes and spring onions for colour and surprise. Finish off with a tuft of alfalfa or mungbean sprouts. All of this is full of longevity and immunising potential!
