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“I think that health care workers need to understand that genetics are a major reason for obesity, and avoid being judgmental in the face of the growing evidence,” he told me, pointing to UK research reported in the science journal Nature this week that some cases of severe childhood obesity may be linked to a ‘broken’ gene. Some of the 300 children in this study by a team of Cambridge scientists that included O’Rahilly, had been placed on a register of at risk children in the belief that their parents were overfeeding them. As a result of the research, their names have now been removed.

Hi, I read online somewhere that a 300 pound woman, doing normal activities and housework burns about 4200 calories a day. The very minimum for calories is a little over 1400 calories a day. Less than this could be putting your body into starvation mode which stores fat that you take in. On the weekends, I actually have time to spend with friends and my girlfriend so we always make an effort to go out and get a big meal before hitting the bars. There plenty of top notch food from all over the world in Seoul. Pretty much any food you can think of, Seoul has a variation of it and it pretty good!I have a bachelor degree in English and Creative Writing.
