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I gained about 65 lbs after going on Paxil. My doc lowered my dosage of it about 2 years ago and then switched me over to Effexor about a year ago. = lishou in ireland There are many people in the world who have been hurt time and again and I’m sure they wonder was I just put on this Earth to only experience pain. Well I would hope this is not true.
I ate off other people’s plates and ate other people’s food. I did everything one can imagine they would never want to admit to doing with food. lishou in ireland This will motivate me when it comes to___________. My reward for losing the first five pounds will be______________.
Some wholesale dietary changes can cause a drop in water weight over the first week. Same weight of clothing (or naked), same time of day? For example, try weighing yourself naked after using the restroom shortly after waking up but before breakfast this will help control for routine fluctuation of several pounds over the course of a day.. lishou in ireland Getting rid of your negative beliefs about yourself is the key to making progress on any New Year’s resolutions you may make. Shifting from a sense of limitation and lack to an awareness of opportunities and abundance completely changes your life.