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If you wait longer then that to eat your metabolism is going to lag and slowdown and you are going to burn less calories. So please remember to eat a half an hour after you wake up if you are not going to hit the gym or do some type of other exercise. So that’s how you are going to lose five pounds in two weeks. . mezitang.com Determine the caloric intake necessary to lose weight. It will be helpful to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR, or the number of calories that your body requires. To do this, multiply your body weight by 15, multiply the number of minutes you exercise per day by 3.5, and then add the results.
If you burn 500 calories on the stair stepper, add the calories to your total daily amount. If you burn a total of 2000 calories a day with exercise, and only eat 1500 calories, your body should lose 500/3500 pound. That’s 1/7 of a pound. mezitang.com It takes time to build that. It takes time to develop that but after a while you get stronger. Remember the muscle is what burns fat.
You got to think of things in a different perspective. What are we living our lives for? Who are we living our lives for? We’re here on a one way ticket, there’s no turning back. So instead of thinking of all the reasons of how things can go wrong, start thinking about what really have to lose. mezitang.com Do this for about a month and then stop. I lost about 30 pounds on that one. Oddly, my body had a slight delayed reaction, and it wasn until after I resumed my usual routines after the thirty days that some of those last major pounds just suddenly dropped off me.