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There are far more gray areas than black and white ones in parenting choices and questions that can’t be answered with percentages and surveys. Sometimes, a simple “This feels really good for our family and we happy” is what you have to go on even if Mary Jo down the street disagrees. Listen to other viewpoints, stay open to learning new ways of doing things, but stay true to yourself. When we trust our own love and concern for our children’s well beings as enough incentive to help us make those good choices for them, we can release a lot of the outside pressure. Poof! Be gone. # Eat something that contains fiber or protein. It takes longer to break down these foods than it takes to burn sugary foods with lots of carbohydrates. If you can, try to have your meals around the same time each day. Eating on a regular schedule helps your body settle into a pattern that allows it to burn the right amount of calories. If your eating habits are unpredictable or you’re prone to skipping meals, your body will tend to hang onto calories for an emergency.
Now, you don have to go to such an extent, but yes a gallon a day is what I recommend. Water helps in flushing out the impurities and wastes from the body, which would otherwise have accumulated as fats. Water aids in digestion and sometimes suppresses hunger pangs as well. Researches show that many a times, when a person feels hungry, he is actually thirsty! So, one of the fastest ways to lose weight naturally is to drink lots of water. “Here the sixth grader still enjoys the books he’s read for the last couple years,” my friend Peggy Sinclair told me. “He avoids the dystopian novels (Hunger Games, Divergent) that are popular. The content and themes of the lit in school this year was pretty heavy, and in response I’d say he reads more Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side than ever.”
Wear a pedometer. A pedometer measures the number of steps you take per day. To achieve optimum health, a person should take 10,000 steps a day. Wearing the pedometer keeps you aware of how many steps you are taking. You will then be encouraged to take the stairs and park farther away to take more steps. Walk an extra mile to burn an additional 100 calories. Depending on the length of your stride, a mile is an additional 1,760 to 2,640 steps. If you are on a treadmill, you can also increase the calorie burn by increasing the incline. Lunges: Stand up straight and take a big step forward with your right leg. Keep the left leg slightly bent at the knee as you hold it up on the ball of the left foot. Lower your body straight down by bending at the knees. Avoid your right knee extending over your toes. Return to the starting position and continue to complete a set 8 to 10 repetitions before switching legs.
