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Forget that I would hate it and quit after a few workouts. The folks that know everything about everything are glad to let me know that since they are thin and I am fat, I’m not working out as well as them. zi xiu tang bee pollen pills reviews Tea, coffee, water are the only drinks allowed. 2 liters of water per day is suggested..
But, again, I would suggest ignoring his advice re dairy, as that is quite a problem for many people.You might also like to look at any books by Loren Cordain, who’s a paleolithic diet researcher. For info on rawpalaeo diets, which are the next step to health, I’d suggest reading Aajonus Vonderplanitz’s book “The Recipe for Living Without Disease”. zi xiu tang bee pollen pills reviews If you have serious space issues, this thing is a dream. Consider getting an extra bracket, though, or building a floor stand (that you can put away somewhere).
