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It was on 28 October (anniversary of the March on Rome, and the Fascist seizure of power) either 1941 or 1942 (I now forget which) that I saw and took part in a great fascist rally in Porto Valtravaglia. The whole school had to attend in black shirts, ‘Figli e figlie della Lupa’ (‘sons and daughters of the she wolf’, very young children, the equivalent of cubs), Balilla (boys from 8 to 14), ‘Avanguardisti’ (boys from 15 to 18) were drawn up in ranks together with soldiers of the 7 Reggimento Fanteria (from the local barracks in Porto Valtravaglia near Lucchini glass manufacturers), along the broad lake front, which was festooned with flags and banners. ) super slim pomegranate diet pills forum Don’t do the fad. All about fad diets.
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