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Detailed materials list is good. Whenever possible, provide exact part numbers or a link to where you got the part. Some things, like “small switch”, are too broad there are thousands of different kinds of switches. A new user trying to follow your directions exactly might have trouble picking the right switch. # lose weight botanical pills New research gives us a glimpse of just how deeply connected sleeping and eating may be. Scientists have discovered in fruit flies that a brain molecule already known to regulate appetite may also play an important role in sleep regulation. Researchers at Brandeis University found that a neuropeptide in the fruit fly brain, already recognized as a regulator of eating, also can dramatically influence sleep and activity levels. Neuropeptides are molecules that enable communication among cells in the brain, and are involved in regulating a number of important physiological processes, including appetite and metabolism. Researchers examined the possible role in sleep regulation of a particular neuropeptide, known as sNPF, that is already known to regulate food intake and metabolic function. Researchers manipulated the sNPF neuropeptide in fruit flies to see what effects this had on sleep and activity levels. They found that altering the activity of sNPF had a dramatic, sleep inducing effect on the flies:
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